Ateliers de Miona pour les parents

Miona’s Workshops for Parents is created because parents are critical in the triangle of success (child- school/life- family). Here is how in GiftedLab we can support them:
SENG SMPG Workshop for Parents of Gifted Children
SENG Model For Gifted Parent Group that can last 8 or 10-weeks and follow the fixed list of topics that concerns giftedness.
Strengths-Based Parenting Workshop
Workshop for parents where we learn strengths language to support and discover tailormade career for you and your kid.
SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) Workshop for Parents
Workshops with some evidence-based SEL methods and tools that works fine with kids and parents depending on your needs.
Parent2Parent Workshop
Workshops to discuss, learn and practice positive parenting methods in company of other parents with varied topics and formats.
Workshops are available offline and online.