Ateliers de Miona pour les éducateurs

Zoom on Inner World of Gifted/Talented and 2E
8-Modules Format Workshop where we go into the subject of specific social-emotional development of
gifted, talented, and 2E in-depth.
Strengths-Based Approach in Education
Workshop that gives your hands-on instructions how to support your students more holistically in their
learning styles and personality development.
SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) Workshop for Educators
Workshop that gives educators tools how to implement and introduce SEL in their curriculum.
Workshops are available offline and online.
Possibility of Partnership with GiftedLab
If you’re in charge of a school, a large school district, and see yourself partnering with GiftedLab to promote GiftedLab’s workshops focused on social-emotional learning or strengths spotting or want to be one of the first to know what this should bring, e-mail me to receive further information regarding workshop and training at Let us know how many schools and kids you’d be interested bringing into this. We together can be bridges to the world with children realizing their gifts at greater extend and collaborating with each other to bring more inclusive world than it’s today.