Partners & Experts Network Affilation
In GiftedLab, I am providing consulting, courses, tutoring, coaching and other services (among them Personality & Career Profile Assessment and Emotional Intelligence EQ ( Profile) Assessment). But I also want to help you reach out as easy as possible for professionals specialized in different domains (experienced educators, registered psychologists, specialists, counselor or health-care professionals, etc). Children, teenagers, adults of varying intellectual abilities, including the gifted with learning-related difficulties, specific LD such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia or twice-exceptional students, may not necessarily attain their full potential as they struggle to perform academically in school due to the presence of specific learning challenges. The aim of GiftedLab’s Partners & Experts Network Affilation is adopting a multi-disciplinary assessment approach and collaboration with associated professionals, skillful and reliable team of experienced educators, registered psychologists, specialists, counselor or health-care professionals