Hi, My name is Miona.
If you’re a lifelong, passion-based learner, learning new stuff, researching, creating solutions to problems is, no matter how old you are, something that makes you alive (it’s your bread and butter!), then, GiftedLab can be the place to go.
Also, if you feel driven to create a better world by doing things your way, you have a chance to get to your authenticity, unlock, and develop your gifts/potentials in GiftedLab…oratory!
I’ll teach, give lectures, write, facilitate workshops, and do consulting, discussion/support group sessions. Other GiftedLab’s contributors will share what they do the best. Looking forward to seeing You joining our community!
To stay in touch - Join my mailing listing and get latest updates from GiftedLab.
See The Latest GiftedLab's Activities
Early & Circular Career Development / Strengths-Based Consulting Services:
Sessions for Parents, Children, Educators, Teams and Organisations
Do you wonder how to help your children avoid a profession that suits them like oversized readymade suit?
Workshop for Parents:
SENG SMPG Workshop for Parents of Potentially Gifted Children
Talk Room for Parents:
2e Parent Support Group: 12-sessions long, workshop-like group about giftedness with learning disability
Workshops for children, teenagers, and young adults:
My Future Job Workshop
BrainLab & Sensory Diet Workshop
Peers4Play Workshop
Workshops for Teams / Organisations:
Co-Creation Workshop
Workshop with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methodology
KCM Webinar:
Innovation in Education: What Would It Be Like?
KCM Webinar:
How to Be Good Enough Parent for Gifted Children?
Workshop For Adults:
Multipotentiality – How to Find My Personal Magic Formula?
Online Course:
Zoom into Inner World of Gifted, Talented, and 2e Children and Adults
Online Course:
Are you Wizard from Communication Land?
Online Course:
Do you Speak the Language of Emotions?
Tutoring and Learning Coaching Sessions
Early & Circular Career Development / Strengths-Based Consulting Services
Do you wonder how to help your children avoid a profession that suits them like an oversized readymade suit?
I help youngsters find a career path that suits them like a tailor-made suit instead of staying in confusion that leads them to choose the “give-me-any-job-occupation” career option.
Zoom into Inner World of Gifted, Talented, and 2e Children and Adults
You are a Parent or an Educator of Gifted, Talented, and 2e Children?
This 8-module course tackles all important things you have to know about gifted, talented and 2e children and gifted adults.
Enroll in the course now, and do it at your own pace!

Do you Speak the Language of Emotions?
You are a parent, educator, or professional? This course could be of great added value to you because emotional development doesn’t always just happen. To be a good SEL model to your children/students/colleagues, we prepared SEL Online Course with “Emotional Grammar” Masterclasses done with a well-known French method expert.
Enroll in the course, and do it at your own pace! And, we will schedule few group meetings for Questions & Answers Meetings and Feedback Sessions to back up your learning experience!

Are you Wizard from Communication Land?
We learn quickly to talk but to communicate effectively with each other, we need practice.
To be a good communication model to your children/students, colleagues, employees, getting on this communication online course is the first step forward that you want to do for yourself. We will learn some small chunks of theory, revise them through a lot of practice and exercises. With a wave of a magic wand, you will find yourself in the role of a real communication wizard.
Enroll in the course, and do it at your own pace!

Talk Room For Parents
You are a Parent of 2e Child(ren)?
Participate in
Miona’s Talk-Room Discussion and Support Group for 2e Parents
Enroll in 2e Parents Support Group that starts on 29/11/2021.
Joining 12 week-long workshop
you will:
- learn about giftedness and twice-exceptionality
- meet and exchange with other parents
- enhance your parenting skills
- get extra information
- join our closed discussion
and support group!
GiftedLab’s Guided Discussions and Support Groups are for:
- Parents
- Educators
- Children, Teens
and Young Adults - Gifted Adults
GiftedLab’s Guided Discussion and Support Groups – Be empowered by others!
Tutoring & Coaching

Are You, or Your Child “Different Breed”?
Highly Intelligent & Sensitive?
Very Creative and Curious?
Easily distracted and frequently worried?
I can be the helper that you need.
What do I do as Learning Coach specialized in Gifted, Talented, and 2e!
I nurture gratifying learning experiences for gifted and talented students, including 2e. To keep your child interested and engaged, education should be a partnership between students, parents, and teachers.
By providing me with all the necessary information, we can create the optimal learning environment for the student.
You’re free to email me with further questions. Please, bear in mind we don’t collect health data on the Site.

What are KCM Webinars?
I “crunch” knowledge for you in special Miona Lecture Room’s edition of webinars named KCM Webinars (Knowledge Crunching Miona’s Webinars) where I support and encourage young but also adult learners to learn new things.
How to Be Good Enough Parents for Gifted Children?
Series of 9 webinars. The first introductory webinar is free of charge.
This webinar will point at the main things to be taken care of when parents of gifted children. We will go through their common characteristics, behaviors, profiles, communication styles. We will hear in which form their specific inner world and functioning create complex life scenarios and why there’s a necessity to start to work on an early career development plan and on social-emotional skills in a way that encompasses their inner complexities.
Book a series of 9 webinars and enjoy the knowledge crunching about giftedness with me!
Innovation in Education: What Would It Be Like?
Series of 3 webinars.
In this 3-series, KCM webinar, discuss some of the inspiring educational initiatives.
We will discuss what needs to be done to make learning irresistible, with highly motivated, adaptable, fast learning, and self-directed students that are self-aware of their strengths and potentials.
We will also discuss how teachers can create lessons connected with future reality, open-ended problems, and projects to develop collaboration and tolerance for risk that they’ll face in the future.
We will see how small-step change efforts that focus on developing their social-emotional, disruptive, creative, artistic, and collaborative competencies, can have huge effects on students.
Miona's Workshop Room
You Are a Parent of Gifted,
Talented and 2e Children?
Join 8 week-long workshop where you will:
- learn about giftedness
- meet and exchange with other parents
- enhance your parenting skills
- get extra information from Certified SENG facilitators
What is SENG SMPG Workshop?
You have the possibility to enroll in a specially structured SENG SMPG Workshop Group for gifted parents.
Parents of gifted, talented &2E children get a chance to acquire extra parenting skills, understand giftedness, support the self-concept and emotional development of GT2E children so they can deal better with additional challenges that giftedness brings. There is a fee to pay for this workshop that lasts 8 to 10 weeks.

My Future Job Workshop
Participating in My Future Job Workshop, helps participants gain self-awareness and self-knowledge about their future professional perspectives adapted to their unique set of potentials and personalities. My Future Job workshop is about guiding young (teens and young adults) to find a perfect match: satisfaction, stability, and success in what they do for a living, finding congruence between their personality (individual talents) and the environment in which he/she works.
BrainLab & Sensory Diet Workshop
This workshop combines the elements of Right Brain Education, SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) self-regulation, and self-relaxation methods. We will instruct children on social-emotional competencies but also show them how to enhance their overall learning and creative capacities.
Peers4Play Workshop with Smart Games®
In this workshop, we get (gifted) children together. After playing some groups games, we offer them to choose one of numerous Smart Games® and let them play it individually. These are single-player games – children can play anywhere, anytime, and they don’t need an opponent. They can have fun exercising their brain on their own. Challenges in every game are divided into 4 or 5 difficulty levels.
Multipotentiality – How to find my Personal Magic Formula?
”What do you want to be when you grow up?“ is a familiar, seemingly harmless question that we ask all children. For (gifted) kids/adults with strong multipotentiality traits of character, this can be a very stressful question. In this workshop, we’ll work on looking for your personal pattern, “common thread” because there’s no single way to live your multipotentiality.
Workshop using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methodology
I am a certified facilitator of LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY ® methods and materials.
It is all about facilitated thinking, communication, and problem-solving technique that organizations, teams, and individuals can have. It’s based on the concept of “speaking and thinking with your hands”. By facilitating one’s thought process, it’s possible to tap into the incredible pool of innovation and competitive–edge solutions that hide in one team. Through structured play, that encourages creativity, engagement, and everybody’s perspective, a team can double its performance and efficacy.
Co-Creation Workshops
What’s to co-create?!
It’s about using firm’s ecosystem that consists of: customers/fans /employees/ startups/ suppliers/competitors /experts etc…
Why use it?
You want to create adapted products and services, more participation, better engagement, and deeper relationship of employees within your firm and get closer to your clients?
Do it in Co-Creation Workshop!

In GiftedLab, I do Career Exploration Sessions NOT ONLY for Elementary and Secondary Children, Teens and Young
Adults, BUT also for Professionals, Teams, and Organisations a.k.a CIRCULAR CAREER DEVELOPMENT!
If you want to schedule an offline, 1-to1 & Small Group Circular Career Counseling Session, please write to me.
I Invite You to Book a Full Strengths-Based Consulting Session to See How GiftedLab Helps YOU become
THE BEST VERSION of Yourselves with Your Strengths in Use!
Do you think about taking part in one of classes, courses, workshops, consulting and discussion/support sessions? You need more informations? Or wanna learn more about what would work best for you?
Book a free, 30 minutes-long, Info Call with Miona!
If you’re already sure of your choice, go to actual activities and reserve your seat.
If further questions, please write me here.
If you’re a parent, educator, student,
professional, team or an organization,
and want to schedule your first
session, you need to
If you’re already my client and want to
schedule next session of tutoring,
consulting, workshop, discussion group,
lecture or a webinar, you should simply
The workshops were dynamic and interesting, excellent communication with the facilitator, raising awareness and helping to cope with emotional reactions, helping to function better in the world of the average, and for parents, additional insight into the rich and often troubling inner world of their gifted child.
I let Noah do it all himself because after all, he has to be able to apply everything you did on his own, so I don’t have a complete picture. I know that Noah preferred to participate with each following Saturday and that he was very sorry when they (workshops) ended, which means that they “suited” for him and were interesting. For me personally, the most important thing is that he began to recognize some situations in his own behavior that you’ve spoken about.
I see that it is easier to calm down and not to be so afraid of failure.
The child began to think about his professional possibilities in the future, to discern his abilities, to think about the harmonization of abilities and future profession. I think he better recognizes other people’s emotions and behavior and knows how to objectively treat other people’s behavior without sometimes being emotionally involved or considering other people’s behavior a personal fault.
I especially liked the workshop about friendship. I learned a lot about feelings. I learned how to control stress, fear… That fear is a useful feeling to keep us safe, for example, while crossing the road… it was most useful and fun.
Dear Miona,
Your workshop really excites me. I am surrounded by gifted. My mother, brothers, my husband, my children, my students … not many gifted people know how to explain what they are going through.
Fascinating to hear your point of view as gifted. How you transfer is fluent and so accurate. I identified with every word and was inspired to continue learning and researching the subject for the benefit of my environment and the gifted in general. Thank you!
The children learned new materials, got to know, and expanded their knowledge of feelings. They must have learned a lot of new things about themselves. As a parent, I am very glad that there are these kinds of workshops, (…) that we parents and our children understand what they are good at, what their skills are to help us further guide the children. The workshop was great and I welcome such an approach to testing, assessing, and working with children in areas where they are “good”. (…) As in this case when this type of workshop was organized in cooperation with the school. I, as a parent, look at my child through my own prism so to me this workshop was also an additional getting to know my own child. Iris must have learned a lot more about herself and I believe she understood what she was “good at”. All praise and thanks for the work of Miona.