Let’s Talk About Gifted! Series of Discussion Groups for Educators
Let’s Talk About Gifted! Series of discussion groups for educators is created because we often hear that gifted students need gifted teachers and this sounds like truth. With such heterogeneous groups of students that are gifted students, being an educator is very demanding and challenging. If we want to support these children in their academic and social-emotional needs, we need to be creative, adaptable, and reactive to their ever-changing interests and quest for knowledge.
This discussion group is made for you to:
– get the space where you can discuss your successes and concerns
– share your experience how working in your school environment look like
– how you create an adapted curriculum
– how you understand and deal with social-emotional needs of gifted
– how you deal with a diversity of gifted profiles and many more…
Mr Taisir Yamin, ICIE, Germany
Mrs Willeke Rol, Bright Kids, NetherLands
Mrs Miona Majstorović Lemaître, GiftedLab, France
Every guided session will have the main topic.
Session 1: 15/11/2021 SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) in Schools
SEL is the process through which students learn and then apply skills to understand and manage emotions, as well as set goals, foster positive relationships, and practice making good decisions. It is about building trusting relationships with students, helping them build their self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and responsible decision making. Organizing SEL as a stand-alone curriculum or integrating it into other academic curriculum helps students develop these skills. (SEL programs are evidence-based, which means that there is research that backs up the curriculum). We will explore how to implement SEL in schools with targeted instruction and structured support.
Session 2: 13/12/2021 Growth Mindset in Schools
Growth Mindset is not something that comes naturally to us. We tend to see the world in black and white. It’s the adults’ role to teach us how to develop a broader perspective with a growth mindset. We should be encouraging this at home but it is important we do this in schools too. It is a skill that needs to be nurtured and practiced. We have to make an effort to start to praise children and praise them in the right way. This means specific process-oriented positive feedback over personal ones.
E.g We can say “I really liked how you solved that problem by doing research all by yourself!”, and not just say to them: “You are good!”. This is what we are going to discuss and learn here: how to praise students to foster a growth mindset with examples to apply directly in the classroom.
Session 3: 10/01/2022 Another Way to Discipline in Schools
Positive Discipline, having well-disciplined students in school is all about developing good behavior in the classroom, mutual respect, cooperation, and responsibility. Disciplining students should not be not punishing them because this road leads nowhere. There are many tools that we can use in the classroom to provide a caring, safe, and learning-friendly environment for our students. Positive School Discipline is a comprehensive approach that uses discipline to teach rather than punish and, as a result, helps students succeed and thrive in school. Schools that take this approach promote positive student behavior while preventing negative and risky behaviors. When children fail to succeed, the whole community is harmed. Keeping students engaged in the classroom is fundamental to academic success. The use of punitive discipline practices that rely on suspension, expulsion, and other harsh consequences—often applied disproportionately to minority students—undermine the goal of success for all.
Session 4: 07/02/2022 Educational Options for Gifted, Talented & 2e
We will talk about different options that exist such as acceleration or homeschooling. Acceleration occurs when students move through the traditional curriculum at rates faster than typical. Among many forms of acceleration are grade-skipping, early entrance to kindergarten or college, dual-credit courses such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate programs, and subject-based acceleration (e.g., when a fifth-grade student takes a middle school math course). Traditional homeschooling parents work with each child for a period of time on each subject to help teach the lessons and give quizzes, tests, and writing assignments. Traditional homeschooling also allows you to organize a curriculum that fits your child’s needs and your teaching style. We also talk about project-based learning, self-oriented learning, and enrichment groups.
Duration: 1h30 from 18:00 to 19:30 (CET)
Our goal is to create a space for You as Educator where you will be heard and where you’ll be free to share your successes, doubts, frustrations, and creative ideas to push forward gifted education. You’ll hear about great ideas and get some tips from other educators so that you can be more inventive in your work with gifted.
Discount option: if 5 educators enrolled from 1 school, 1 place is free of charge.

Session 1: 15/11/2021 SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) in Schools
Session 2: 13/12/2021 Growth Mindset in Schools
Session 3: 10/01/2021 Another Way to Discipline in Schools
Session 4: 07/02/2022 Educational Options for Gifted, Talented & 2e
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