Multipotentiality – How to Find my Personal Magic Formula?
About Workshop:
Multipotentiality – How to Find my Personal Magic Formula? Workshop is for those who’re familiar with feeling anxiety when someone pops up the following question: ”What do you want to be when you grow up?“. It’s a familiar, seemingly harmless question that we ask all children. For (gifted) kids/adults with strong multipotentiality traits of character, this can be a very stressful question. The same goes for “What do you do for a living?“ that we ask adults with strong multipotentiality. As we’re living in the “expert“ era, the common reaction of the environment is to force, directly or indirectly, this kind of (gifted) persons to “stick to one thing“ and to choose only one among numerous interests they have to be their career. Exploration of multiple or combined, hybrid career is in general excluded. We need to help people with strong multipotentiality traits to develop and unlock these other gifts. If not treated well, this trait can lead to a high amount of inner frustration and many other issues like not feeling “whole” as a person.
In analyzing the life of an artist or a scientist, we can easily conclude his/her successful career choice follows from a series of meaningfully connected experiences stretching from childhood to maturity/old age that is a close connection with enduring interest, curiosity, and his/her engagement. But, following the lead of our interest, curiosity and engagement happen to be more complex to determine if we belong to a certain group of adults – those with strong multipotentiality. Multipotentiality means that someone has many interests and creative pursuits. Many gifted children have it as multipotentiality is one of the innate characteristics of giftedness and it can be complex to deal with giftedness with high levels of multipotentiality.

All people with multipotentiality need to have the right and freedom to combine and create a hybrid career, adapted to them. And, I am eager to help you, multi-talented, creative, entrepreneurial adults live life more fully and understand better yourselves, your gifts, your world through my strengths-based consulting practice, virtual and face-to-face individual and group sessions (see Consulting page) and through online or offline workshops I create and organize for you.
I want you to realize your power and to get better. Here, getting better means to develop and strengthen your differentiation, to learn self-love and self-soothing, to refuse that your disappointments and failures from the past turn into a fixed lifestyle and global negative beliefs about you, your personality, and your life. Instead of using your great energy to pull yourself down as you probably do right now, I will help you redirect your beautiful energy and gifts where they belong: to be shared with others. I will inform you, encourage you, support and guide you, to achieve your goals, realize your dreams and create the satisfying life you deserve.
How do we do it in this workshop?
The first step is understanding what is important to you. We’ll go through a process of self-discovery and create an action plan later on. If you are multipotential, otherwise known as “Scanner” / “Slasher” / “Multipotentialate” / “Rennaissance Soul”, you belong to a largely unrecognized cognitively diverse group of people. These “4-in-1” people possess diverse skills and the ability to learn, unlearn, relearn things over and over again. In an increasingly complex and uncertain world, these cognitive profiles should play a central role.
Do you recognize yourself in this description? Although your “personal magic formula” may seem blurred to you at the moment, there is a hidden formula of success for every one of us. We need to work on this “personal formula” in order to discover it. This workshop will help you find it or at least set you on the right path to finding it.
In this workshop, we will address the main blockages and setbacks when you are multipotential, we will uncover mistaken assumptions about activities, understand what causes procrastination and creative/action blockages. We will put ourselves in action by creating an action plan on how to manage your multipotentiality without losing yourself. We will find your “type” of functioning and how you process information, how you like to work. We’ll go through examples of multipotential people and multipotentials businesses. All these steps will help you in your reflection about it and your dynamic process of creating an ideal job that suits you as a multipotential, and not a person who continues to work with half of the force while trying to fit in.
Why is this workshop useful if you’re a multipotential adult?
It serves atypical, multipotential adults to distance themselves from their emotions and to break the negative image in which they have locked themselves, by making them aware of their specific functioning, character particularities, the richness of their resources, and talents. In the majority of cases, they ignore their talent(s). It also allows them to measure their limits, and learn to respect them without devaluing themselves. In order to make your talent shine like a diamond, you will need to polish it with your personal development work.
- Help develop multiple talents: atypical multipotential profiles may have a gift, even genius in one or more areas and lack in others. Detecting them is not easy because many escape classical criteria for detecting high potentials groups
If you’re the one, we can be of help for you to:
- Eradicate the feeling you have of being out of place in professional and social settings
- Stop wondering if there is something wrong with you if are not an “expert” type
- Find fulfillment in your personal and/or professional life: Our work together focuses on understanding why you feel the way you do, what your positive and negative triggers are, and how to maximize fulfillment.
- Excel at projects or assignments that are right for you and let go of projects not made for you
- Discover about your inherent self and how to tap into your gifts that will allow you to engage in the workplace and society as an inherent part of the process, rather than as an outsider.
- To be seen and appreciated as a complex person, not just as a performer or non-performer
- To be viewed with compassion — even for having to bear the burdens of high ability
- Stop being a victim of your uneven ability to perform that leaves colleagues stumped and makes find yourself in a defensive position
- Have deeper connections and meaningful work
- Possible formats of workshops: half a day workshop, whole day workshop, and design your own workshop
- Minimal duration: 8 hours/Maximal duration 16 hours
- Unless otherwise noted, workshops will be held online
- Small group workshops (up to 7 persons) are the most effective
- Discussions will follow group norms and emphasize respect and support for all participants
- Participants will be expected to take assessments online, read reports and feedback that go with it previously before joining a small-group workshop.
- For 1-to-1 Strengths-Based Coaching Sessions, See more on Consulting Page
- All participants are entitled to get handouts: individual tests and group workshops results, templates for visual thinking strategies, other additional materials
- The price for a one-day long workshop is 150€ / The price for a two-day long workshop is 250€
- Design your own workshop: to be determined (if interested, please contact me)
- Pays for work of the facilitator
- The cost of assessments online could be included in the price
- Venue & traveling costs have to be included in case of sessions offline
- Location: online and offline
- Where: To be determined
- When: To be determined
Additional information:
+ What is multiple intelligence?
To better understand atypical profiles, their originality, their ability to think “out of the box”, their talents beyond the norm, we can refer to the multiple forms of intelligence of Howard GARDNER. He distinguished 8 mainly intelligence (Logico – mathematical / Verbal – linguistic / Body – Kinesthetic / Intra-personal / Social – Interpersonal / Spatial / Musical – Rhythmic / Naturalist) then a 9th, spiritual intelligence. We can add here creative intelligence and adaptive intelligence…and many more…
+ What is an “Atypical” Professional and Personal Profile?
We speak about “different”, successful and innovative profiles. For example, a chemist who applies for a position of IT developer or an HR Director who applies for the position of Commercial Director are atypical profiles. Or, someone who studied artificial intelligence and have a doctorate in computer science, start to manage an HR consulting company. These are only some examples of atypical. We also tend to associate talents with sports performers, or, in the corporate world, with those who will bring the most of money in. But some atypicals are helping to change the world without quantified results. Atypicals can exercise in many trades. We have many misconceptions about them. We see them as very self-confident, “James Bond” figures. In reality, their empathy, emotionality (hypersensitivity), hyperesthesia (heightened 1 or 5 senses) are a double-edged sword. Their high IQ is coupled with great permeability to emotions and sensations. They feel the positive as well as the negative with an intensity far above the average. Their sensory sensors are super sharp which, coupled with their rapid and “arborescent” thinking often makes them visionaries but also victims of numerous micro-attacks from the environment. Stress, in the long run, can harm their quality of life: shocks from ambient noise, clothing labels that scratch, heady odours of perfumes, visual pollution, an unhealthy taste of junk food are stressful for them.
+ How to detect multi-potential, atypical, intuitive and innovative profiles in the company?
Although they have specific behaviours, their personalities are extremely varied, which makes them difficult to detect. A majority of them (2/3) do not recognise themselves (and are not recognised) as such. Their professional background and/or their studies may be far below their skills. Some are “unmanageable free electrons”. Labelled from childhood as “weird” adults spend an enormous amount of energy adjusting their ecosystem in order to be “normal”, sometimes locking themselves into a feeling of shame or even worse, losing their identity with predominant “false self.” They suffer as a result of lack of self-confidence. They’re inhabited by a permanent questioning and a strong demand on themselves. These two behaviours are maintained by the incomprehension that their atypical way of thinking arouses in their colleagues. They can develop a professional conscience far above the average. They can be hyper-engaged in everything they do so they’re able to lift mountains to carry out the mission entrusted to them … even with scarce resources that have been given to them. They can come with totally innovative and visionary ideas, disruptive creativity. Exceptional vision and intuition, an insatiable curiosity and open-mindedness characterise some of them. They have the ability to constantly renew themselves. They can have a perfectionist side and high standards. We can be surprised by their ethics, values and strong sense of justice, service and responsibility. Some of them have developed a sense of humour and a sense of aesthetics. They all like to deal with complexity and they are able to detect flaws and nuances with great rapidity.
+ What threatens multi-potential adults the most at the workplace?
In a workplace, adults can be perceived as intimidating or threatening by their colleagues. They risk harassment, rejection and misunderstanding of others. Gifted adults may be under-stimulated at work and unable to adapt. Their insatiable curiosity and constant need to learn can cause them to say “yes” to too many new projects, and find themselves chronically overloaded. And conversely, if this need for meaning, stimulation, freedom and autonomy is insufficiently nourished or fuelled by meaningless tasks, they risk bore out, burn-out, and brown-out. Chronic exhaustion, demotivation, depersonalisation at work, growing negativity and cynicism are all precursors of burnout that should alert. In the book “The Stupidity Paradox”, British and Swedish researchers examine the strange mechanism by which companies employ brilliant staff and then only ask them to create seductive PowerPoint presentations to hypnotise clients instead of using their potential.
+ Why the impact of multipotentials and gifted adults in today’s business world is of strategic value?
Companies have to face big challenges in terms of innovation, transformation, attractiveness and retention of talents. Atypical multipotentials constitute a pool of unused talents for an innovative and successful company. Detecting them and retaining them have a strong impact on all levels of the company.
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Available Times
Time Zone of workshop: CET-
Starting date:
February 5, 2021
Where: Online
Starts at 17h CET
How many spots available?
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Starting date:
February 5, 2021
Where: Online
Starts at 17h CET
How many spots available?
Enroll -
Starting date:
February 5, 2021
Where: Online
Starts at 17h CET
How many spots available?
You wouldn't trust us if we said it, so we asked our clients how they felt about it.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum