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  • MIONA’s Classes and Courses | Social and Emotional Learning – SEL Coaching

    Social and Emotional Learning – SEL Coaching is one of the way I help children become more emotionally literate and know themselves better.

    As SECD Specialist,  I support SEL through:
    • Creation of CASEL-Aligned Courses
    • Children Coaching Sessions
    • Consulting in Schools
    • Consulting in Firms

    What is CASEL?

    CASEL stands for The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. It is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality, evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL). GiftedLab is committed to developing SEL content that supports the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) framework.


    I’m specially devoted to see our young generation more emotionally “literate”.
    Social-emotional competency is key to success at school, at home, and beyond. We need to learn and practice SEL as we do with academic knowledge. Your child can do it with me on my SEL coaching sessions.

    Socially and emotionally competent children are skilled in five core areas:
    They are self-aware and able to recognise their emotions, describe their interests and values, and accurately assess their strengths. They are able to regulate and express their emotions, manage stress, control impulses, persevere in overcoming obstacles, and set and monitor progress in achievement of personal and academic goals.

    They are socially aware, able to take perspective of and empathise with others and recognise and appreciate individual and group similarities and differences.
    They have good relationship skills so they can establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships based on cooperation. They resist inappropriate social pressure, constructively prevent, manage and resolve. They demonstrate responsible and ethical decision-making skills at school, home, and in community. (Source: www.casel.org)

    Miona Majstorović Lemaître
    SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Coach
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    About Me

    As SECD Specialist, I help smart, creative, intense, or sensitive young people enhance self-awareness, self-knowledge and self-reliance, learn how to dial down weaknesses, compensate them and solve their interpersonal relationship challenges. I work with them directly, through SEL coaching sessions, teaching SEL classes and courses I create or indirectly, through consulting sessions I offer to schools and educators. SEL is one of the domains where I strongly believe we need to give extra care in order to see children’s potentials spread as well as to keep their personalities, motivation and health intact in this confusing world.


    Both parents and students can contact me when more collaboration is needed to create the optimal learning environment for the student.

    Fill out the form below to schedule a free 30-minute session to discuss your child’s learning support needs and discover if we can be good fit together.


    30 Minute Meeting
    No charge
    Discuss your child’s learning support needs to determine the match.
    Initial consultation
    Includes three 60-minute meetings to develop a SEL support plan.
    Single pre-purchased hour
    For as needed check-ins.
    Five-pre-purchased hours
    Discount pricing of 37€ per hour.

    Purchasing Policy
    • There are no partial refunds for unused sessions.
    • All sales are final.
    • Please read Terms of Use and Conditions.

    Intake form