Inner World of Gifted/Talented and 2e
About Workshop:
Inner World of Gifted/Talented and 2e isn’t the topic in all educators’ mouth.
We are still having dominantly present educational systems where children are treated more as “products” than as human being. This means, besides academic knowledge, educators (and parents) don’t focus on giving extra attention to social-emotional competencies and strength-based teaching.
This results in the following: social-emotional aspects together with supporting social-emotional needs of gifted, talented and 2e have been putting aside in schools as less important for children’s future than academic curriculum.
With educational systems stubbornly refusing to pay attention and implement systematically direct instruction of social-emotional competencies through dedicated SEL curriculum, we have students that aren’t aware of inner “functioning”, their strengths and how their unique set of potentials can be transferred into real world activities. With poor self-awareness goes poor self-regulation and self-actualisation (Maslow). Simply said, very few realise their inner potentials and unique set of talents.
Gaining knowledge about and supporting social-emotional needs of the gifted, talented and 2e is what this series of workshops offers to teachers and other professionals. Many educators who know how challenging can be to create a curriculum adapted to gifted, talented & 2e could highly appreciate this workshop.
You will find out why some deep thinkers are not easy to engage, why they resist following rules and suggesting “a better way” to do things, why some have troubles with their classmates. Especially, it will be easier for you to teach 2e students. These student also resist, acts out, or refuse to comply. They can get stuck on certain assignments or forget their homework. Sometimes, they can’t sit still, they ask a lot of questions, often seemingly off topic. Even more, they can have “over the top” reactions.
At the end of this series of workshop, educators will understand how disruptive students are often highly interested learners with the most potential and that, to be able to teach gifted, talented and 2e, teachers need to gain a deep understanding of gifted, talented and 2e’s specific strengths and struggles. Even more than other gifted students, 2e students, struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, expectations, fear of failure, sensory and social challenges that can affect their ability to do well in school. Educators have a chance to gain knowledge about inner world of this population of children, and definitely get better “tools” to respond to their unique academic and developmental needs.
Besides, focusing on social-emotional development can bring a great advancement in all students’ capacities and overall teachers’ job satisfaction.
This 8-modules long workshop will be helpful to you in teaching gifted, talented & 2e students but other children too. I’ll give you knowledge and tools so you’ll understand how to approach every child in gifted range. You’ll be able to understand everything he/she says and does with a special filter.
This is 8-Modules Workshop that goes into depth about Inner World of Gifted/Talented and 2e,
social-emotional functioning of gifted, talented and 2e. Particular traits
and behaviours are presented thought specific modules. They are
available through online and offline workshop (please use contact
form if interested in educational consultancy offline).
Module 1. ▶ Characteristics of the Gifted and the Communication Techniques to Use with Them
Module 2. ▶ Gifted Intensity, Perfectionism & Stress
Module 3. ▶ Motivation, Discipline, Self-Management and Underachievement of Gifted Children
Module 4. ▶ Social Relationships of Gifted Population
Module 5. ▶ 2e/ How Learning Disability or Any Other Disability Influence Giftedness + Basics of Sensory Regulation
Module 6. ▶ Gifted & Multipotentiality
Module 7. ▶ Gifted Boys & Gifted Girls/ How Gender changes things + Advantages and Challenges in Gifted Adult Life
Module 8. ▶ Highly and Profoundly Gifted: The Physical, Social, Emotional and Environmental Differences that CreateChallenges

- Apply best practices in gifted identification
- Compare different curriculum and instruction designed for the gifted
- Understand and empower gifted, talented, and 2e students beyond intellect and explore social and emotional aspects of this school population
- Achieve deep understanding of social-emotional functioning of gifted, talented & 2e
- Learn about main characteristics of gifted, talented & 2e that influence risky behaviours, vulnerability
- Recognise and understand particular challenges of gifted, talented & 2e
- Learn about helpful strategies in teaching gifted, talented, and 2e children
- Get tools to enhance social and emotional skills of gifted, talented, and 2e children
- Share ideas, experiences and specific strategies with other educators
- Find out how not to play power games with gifted, talented , and 2e children
- Help gifted children in relieving peer relationship challenges and peer pressure
- Create a comprehensive treatment/action plan for a gifted child with social, emotional or behavioural problems
- Predict when gifted children are at risk for educational underachievement/failure
- Possible formats of workshops: 4-,6- or more weeks long workshops, Half a day Workshop, Whole day Workshop, and Design Your Own Workshop
- Minimal duration: 1 h/Maximal duration 8 hours
- Unless otherwise noted, workshops will be held online
- Participants will be expected to read sections and articles before most of the sessions as this will provide background for our workshops
- Discussions will follow group norms and emphasise respect and support for all participants
- Educators will do some “homework” and exercises in practice.
- Price for half a day/whole day and an hour long workshop participation fees
- Pays for work of facilitator (online workshops price)
- The online tests cost is calculated separately
- Venue & travelling costs have to be included in case of sessions offline
- Location: online and offline
- Where: To be determined
- When: To be determined
Additional information about Inner World of Gifted/Talented and 2e:
+Module 1: Characteristics of the Gifted and the Communication Techniques to Use with Them
This workshop will shed light on the main characteristics and traits of the gifted people. Upon the completion of this part, the participants will be trained on different techniques that can be employed efficiently and effectively to help the gifted students thrive, how to preserve their integrity and develop it. Also they will learn how to avoid harmful, destructive factors. In addition, the outcomes of this workshop will help and enable educators, parents, administrators, and other caregivers to deal with gifted students and give them the opportunity to employ their gifts and talents in secure environments.
+Module 2: Gifted Intensity, Perfectionism & Stress
Perfectionism and Intensity are two important endogenous characteristics that, if left unchecked, can make a lot of harm to the development of a gifted person. So it is necessary to inform the gifted and their caretakers about them. Although perfectionism tendencies can happen to everybody, it has been proven by research that gifted people, due to their complex inner functioning and atypical development, are, more than the others, prone to it.
+Module 3: Motivation, Discipline, Self-Management, and Underachievement of Gifted Children
Gifted children, the most capable children for learning, can struggle with motivation, self-discipline, self-management and underachievement. Although very capable, they need to be taught some basic rules of discipline and self-management like all the others. The greatest attention has to be dedicated to twice-exceptional children.
+Module 4: Social Relationships of Gifted Population
There is a social stigma associated with giftedness in our society. Therefore, social relationships of gifted children and adults can be deeply affected and influence their social lives and identities. Gifted learn to „surf“ in the everyday world. Some do not succeed in „surfing“ and have troubles to be in this world. Complex and often troubled relationships of gifted population with peers and others that surround them do not stop with the end of schooling time. Therefore, it is important to guide them and model behaviours having in mind their specific inner functioning. Success in relationships is more certain if the gifted are able to manage the information about themselves which does not include destroying their inner “Self“ or exhausting themselves along the way just to „fit in“.
+Module 5: 2e/ How Learning Disability or Any Other Disability Influence Giftedness + Basics of Sensory Regulation
Also, we will see more in depth what are the aspects of Twice-Exceptionality, what are psychological challenges, and how it intertwines with giftedness.
+Module 6: Gifted & Multipotentiality
Multipotentiality is frequently cited as a primary concern for the gifted and talented in career planning. We are living in the expert era, and we are asked to choose our “niche”. This obligation causes more troubles than happiness to those gifted people with strong multipotentiality because we are supposed to choose our job for life at a very young age, at the age of 16 or 18. Gifted multipotentiality driven by inner intense curiosity and eagerness to learn new things, can cause trouble in a typical and classically structured workplaces. The same trait of character can be an exponential advantage in postindustrial, transformed by digital revolution, workplaces. Digital revolution has been profoundly modifying the way we work and live nowadays.
+Module 7: Gifted Boys & Gifted Girls/ How Gender changes things + Advantages and Challenges
In this module we will discuss how gender might pressure and interfere with giftedness, and how they intertwine. According to certain studies, there are typical scenarios of how gifted boys and girls live their lives of the gifted. There are typical behaviours at important crossroads of life. Gifted children do grow up and become gifted adults in the world that continues to be not designed to accommodate them. Giftedness doesn’t vanish with the arrival of adulthood. The concerns and issues that they’ve had in the childhood (perfectionism, peer pressure, asynchronous development, excessive self-criticism, multipotentiality, stress sensitivity and complex relationships with peers and others who are surrounding them), get even more complex and (more self-destructive for certain number of them) as they grow up. We will mention particular problems that exist, that are closely linked with specific gifted adult’s psychological profile, and that needs to be mentioned.
+Module 8: Highly and Profoundly Gifted: The Physical, Social, Emotional and Environmental Differences that we will address personality traits, social-emotional needs, schooling options IEPs, homeschooling, and mentorships etc.

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Available Times
Time Zone of workshop: CET-
Starting date:
February 5, 2021
Where: Online
Starts at 17h CET
How many spots available?
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Starting date:
February 5, 2021
Where: Online
Starts at 17h CET
How many spots available?
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Starting date:
February 5, 2021
Where: Online
Starts at 17h CET
How many spots available?
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum