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  • Miona’s Lecture Room KCM Webinars, for who is it for?

    I am intensely dedicated to give educators, parents, children and adults tools and information that they can use to pursue their self-growth, find out about their talents/gifts/strengths, and help others to do the same. My moto is: Help others by empowering them! Throughout the years, with all degrees, certifications and the knowledge I acquired on the side with unending curiosity and thirst for knowledge that I have, I decided to share my knowledge through my KCM webinars.
    You as participant of my KCM Webinars, will be able to chat and exchange in direct with me. You’ll also be able to download PDFs, rend and buy some of the webinars. I will also invite others with whom I will collaborate to give lectures to you.

    What will Miona’s Lecture Room KCM Webinars be all about? What will the topics be?

    • Development of Strengths and Talents, Self-Actualization and Self-Realisation
    • Giftedness, Twice Exceptionality and related subjects (Anxiety, Autism, & Nonverbal Disorders, Dyslexia & Verbal Learning Disabilities)
    • Social-Emotional Needs of Gifted, Talented, and 2e
    • Parenting
    • Emotional Intelligence, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for Parents, Children, Educators
    • Strengths-Based Approaches
    • Co-Creation /Open Innovation/Collaborative Teamwork
    • Innovation in Education: Homeschooling, Micro-Schooling, Lab Schooling
    • etc.

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    How To Be Good Enough Parent for Gifted Children?

    Parenthood nowadays is often accompanied with pressure to perform and be perfect parent. All parents experience this quest for perfection. That pressure is even greater when we have a gifted / talented & double exceptional child (2e child) because these children come in « non-standard packaging » and parents want to measure up to this challenge that goes with a kid who is so « out of the box « .

    The life of parents of gifted children, then, is not a calm and quiet river, but it’s more like a ride in a some fun, water park, where they laugh and feel proud in one moment and stay breathless, speechless, overwhelmed with uncertainty and agony or even want to cry in another moment.

    There’s no parenting manual to guide parents on this unpaved road, no sign posts to help them make decisions.

    Objectively speaking, and this is confirmed by research, the obligation of parents of gifted children to adequately deal with their child growing up is greater, because the risk of negative consequences for the child’s socio-emotional development and the complexity for exploiting the child’s potential is much higher. We will tackle main points that have to be taken care of in this series of webinar.

    Book a series of 8 webinars and enjoy the knowledge crunching about giftedness with me that will help you !

    PRICE: 250 EUR

    Objectively speaking, and this is confirmed by research, the obligation of parents of gifted children to adequately deal with their child growing up is greater, because the risk of negative consequences for the child’s socio-emotional development and the complexity.

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    Meets Once / Meet Twice

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    Starts at 17h CET
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    Meets Once / Meet Twice

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    Starts at 17h CET
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    Meets Once / Meet Twice

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    Starts at 17h CET
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    Meets Once / Meet Twice

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    Starts at 17h CET
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    Innovation in Education: What Would It Be Like?

    In today’s context, according to one of Oxford studies, 45% of all jobs will disappear in the next ten years. Boring and repetitive jobs are and will be taken over by machines.The necessity of innovation in education and radical change of school systems is in every expert’s mouth. Topics such as nurturing of neurodivergent profiles, whole child approach is much more in the spotlight that it was before…

    Although we still witness on larger scale, schools cultivating test prep, tall poppy syndrome & unpersonalized instruction where students voices are not heard and where they have no choice in regard to what they study, we also witness growing number of innovations in education. We will, in this 2-series KCM webinar, discuss some of these inspiring initiatives.

    PRICE: 250 EUR

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    Meets Once / Meet Twice

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    Starts at 17h CET
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    Meets Once / Meet Twice

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    Starts at 17h CET
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    Here is the list of the past KCM webinars and the subjects we have already spoken and discussed about:
