Parents’ Discussion and Support Groups

Parents’ Discussion and Support Groups’ purpose in Miona’s Talk Room is to empower and support parents of gifted, talented & twice-exceptional (2e) children, teens, and young adults. Parenting these bright, differently wired and demanding children is incredibly isolating. Giving parents possibility to meet each other, brings several benefits both to parents and gifted, talented & 2e children that are facing unique set of challenges… Unless you live it, you don’t get it. And even if you get it, these children are so different one from another, so every family is living giftedness in slightly different way.

GiftedLab’s Café for Parents – Parenting Gifted, Talented &2e
When: | Mostly on first Monday in a month on Facebook Live or other video meeting platform |
Type of group: | Open |
Duration: | 60 minutes |
Number of participants: | Ideally 10-25, minimum 5 interested parents |
Topics: | Varied (i.e. gifted characteristics communication, intensity, perfectionism, motivation, discipline, school, siblings and peer relationships and many other relevant topics). |
Description: | GiftedLab’s Café Groups for Parents aren’t structured about any particular subject but keep focus on gathering community of parents.In these sessions, parents simply get together. They don’t need to prepare themselves for sessions like it’s the case for 8 to 10 weeks long sessions in SENG SMPG Workshop.Once a month, we will share experiences, and listen to each other. Parents can propose events, meeting, write posts, exchange, topics for live discussions. |
Fee: | Free of charge |
How to enroll: | Become a Member of Facebook Group named GiftedLab Club |
To be informed when we create discussion groups, workshops or other events, subscribe to my newsletter here.
Parent2Parent SENG SMPG Balkan
When: | Once a month, second Monday in a month on Facebook Live or other video meeting platform |
Type of group: | Closed |
Duration: | 1h30minutes |
Number of participants: | ideally 10-25, minimum 5 interested parents |
Topics: | Diverse. The topic for the next meeting will be shared in Facebook group. Monthly, annual or 6 months-schedule proposal is sent to all members to vote so we can book dates and decide about themes. |
Description: | A closed group for parents who have already participated and finished the whole cycle of SENG SMPG Workshop that lasted 6, 8, or 10 weeks. This group of parents have already acquired basics about social-emotional needs of gifted as they are presented in SENG SMPG workshops.Once a month, we gather and treat a topic that goes extra mile or extra level from the subjects treated in first round of SENG SMPG Workshop Group |
Fee: | Sometimes free of charge, sometimes with fee depending on a topic |
How to enroll: | The condition is participation in the whole SENG SMPG Workshop. If you’ve already done it, go to GiftedLab’s Facebook Group Page (@GiftedLabCo) or GiftedLab Club Facebook Open Group and write and request to join the closed group. |
If you are already a member of Closed Group Parent2Parent SENG SMPG Balkan, enroll in the next session here.
SENG SMPG Workshop Group
To be the part of closed Facebook Group Parent2Parent SENG SMPG Balkan, you have to enroll in specially structured 8 to 10 week-long SENG SMPG Workshop Group for parents of Gifted, Talented & 2e Children. Parents of gifted, talented &2e children get a chance to acquire extra parenting skills, understand basic knowledge about giftedness, learn to better support self-concept and emotional development of GT2e children.
The direct benefit of the workshop is better capacity to deal with additional challenges that giftedness can bring into parenting experience. After finishing SENG SMPG Workshop Group, you’re welcome to become a member of closed Facebook Group Parent2Parent SENG SMPG Balkan.
To find out more about SENG SMPG Workshop Group, and/or to enroll in online SENG SMPG Workshop, go here.
2eParentfor2eParent Discussion & Support Group
The term twice exceptional, often abbreviated as 2e, refers to gifted students who have some form of disability. These students are considered exceptional both because of their giftedness (e.g., intellectual, creative, perceptual, motor etc.) and because of their special needs (e.g., specific learning disability, neurodevelopmental disorders etc.). The disabilities are varied: dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, visual or auditory processing disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression, sensory processing disorder, autism spectrum disorder, Tourette syndrome, or any other disability interfering with the student’s ability to learn effectively in a traditional environment. There is no clear-cut profile of twice-exceptional children because the nature and disabilities of twice exceptionality are so varied. This variation among twice-exceptional children makes it difficult to determine just how many of them there might be. What is even worse, many 2e children haven’t been diagnosed because the gift « covers » the disability. Parenting 2e children can be very demanding. Miona’s Talk Room’s 2eParent2forParent Support Group is created for this reason, to give parents a place to meet each other on organised meetings.
When: | Once a month, 3rd Monday in a month on Facebook Live or in Scheduled Series of Support Group on some other virtual platform |
Type of group: | Open |
Duration: | 60 minutes or 1h 30 minutes |
Number of participants: | Ideally 10-25, minimum 5 interested parents |
Topics: | Varied but focused on 2e parenting (i.e. 2e characteristics, communication, intensity, perfectionism, motivation, discipline, school, siblings and peer relationships and many other topics). |
Description: | Parenting and education 2e children is demanding role. This support group is the occasion for 2e parents to meet and give each other support and encouragement. 2e children don’t always come in “nicely packed package.” They need their peers to share pride, sorrow and concerns with people who will understand them. |
Fee: | Sometimes free of charge, sometimes with fee depending on a topic or format of discussion group |
How to enroll: | Register for a Support Group or Become a Member of Facebook Group named GiftedLab Club |